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- NUSQ - File unsqueeze utility
- Documentation for CP/M-86 and MS-DOS
- versions 1.11 (CP/M-86), 1.10 & 1.10D (MS-DOS)
- Cliff Sharp October 21, 1984
- NUSQ is a utility for expanding squeezed files to their
- original uncompressed state. Two separate versions of NUSQ are
- available, one for CP/M-86 and one for the MS-DOS operating
- system.
- NUSQ has two operating modes. In the command mode, a single
- instruction to NUSQ is passed from the command line which invokes
- NUSQ. The command mode requires less effort to use when you have
- only one file to unsqueeze, or when the names of the files you
- wish to unsqueeze can all be specified by one "wildcard" name.
- However, when you have more than one file to unsqueeze and a
- "wildcard" won't do the job right, or when the files you want to
- unsqueeze are on more than one disk, the interactive mode allows
- you to specify only those files which you want processed, without
- reloading the program every time. In the interactive mode, NUSQ
- executes one command, then waits for another.
- MS-DOS versions of NUSQ including and subsequent to 1.10 can
- use date and time information encoded in files squeezed with NSQ.
- This means that a file squeezed with NSQ, 'modemed' to another
- location, and unsqueezed with NUSQ (version 1.10D or greater)
- will retain the date and time of ORIGIN instead of DESTINATION.
- NSQ encodes this information at the END of the squeezed file, so
- such files retain compatibility with earlier unsqueeze programs.
- See the installation section of this document for details on
- how to implement this feature in NUSQ. Any files squeezed with
- NSQ (versions 2.01 or higher) will have the necessary date and
- time information encoded in them.
- To unsqueeze only one file, the command mode invocation
- A>nusq nerts.aqm
- will unsqueeze the file NERTS.AQM. You don't need to specify the
- name of the output file (in fact, you can't); the name was stored
- within the file at the time it was squeezed, and that name will
- be used to create the new file. (If you want to name it
- differently after you have unsqueezed it, use the REName command
- when NUSQ is finished.)
- You can unsqueeze all squeezed files on a single disk by
- issuing the command
- A>nusq *.?q?
- Theoretically at least, all file squeezers create an output file
- whose name is the same as that of the original file, except that
- the filename extension field is modified by changing the middle
- letter to a "Q". (If a file has no filetype, a 'QQQ' is appended
- for the file type for the encoded file. When a file has been
- renamed after being squeezed, this might not be the case;
- hopefully, the person who renamed it remembered the "Q".) The
- "wildcard" file specification shown above tells NUSQ to unsqueeze
- any file it finds (on the default disk) which has a "Q" in the
- filename extension; that should get NUSQ to unsqueeze every
- squeezed file on the disk. NUSQ will display the name of each
- file it finds, and the name of the output file it produces, as it
- proceeds:
- Because NUSQ checks the first two bytes of each input file
- for a valid Squeeze Signature (0FF76 hex), it is possible to say:
- nusq *.*
- and get the same results as with "nusq *.?q?". It is faster,
- however, to use the *.?q? method, as that will preclude a lot of
- unnecessary file openings.
- NUSQ will also accept more than one filename on the command
- line:
- A>nusq nerts.aqm orgplotz.dqc frop.cq
- To use a different disk for output than for input, end the
- command line with just the drive designation. Example:
- A>nusq giggle.tqt b:
- will write the output file (ostensibly GIGGLE.TXT) on drive B:.
- You will find that NUSQ is very forgiving, as:
- A>nusq b: giggle.tqt
- will accomplish the same thing. (Note the space between 'b:' and
- 'giggle'!)
- Let's suppose now that you have a large number of squeezed
- files on your disk, and you only want to unsqueeze some of them.
- Unless you can specify only those files by using a "wildcard"
- name, you'll probably find it easier to achieve your goal by
- using the interactive mode of NUSQ. Another instance where it
- would be easier to use interactive mode is one where the files
- you wish to unsqueeze are on more than one disk, in more than one
- drive. The command
- A>nusq
- displays the startup message, then prompts for command input with
- an asterisk ("*").
- NUSQ Version x.xx
- Dave Rand, Paul Homchick and Cliff Sharp xx/xx/xx
- Use: NUSQ afn [afn afn ...] [destination drive:]
- *_
- (The underline shows the cursor position; my name appears only in
- the MS-DOS version.) At the asterisk, you type a filename
- ("wildcards" are allowed here, too). NUSQ will unsqueeze the
- file, then print the asterisk prompt again and wait for more
- commands. When you're finished and want to exit NUSQ, a blank
- line or ^C will return you to the operating system.
- As distributed, NUSQ won't write over an existing file
- without the user confirming the operation. Something very like
- the following will happen:
- A>nusq foo.bqr
- nusq: FOO.BQR -> FOO.BAR already exists,
- Overwrite <Y>es, <N>o? overwriting...
- In this case the user answered "Y" at the question mark, and NUSQ
- went ahead with the operation. If "N" is the response, the
- unsqueeze operation is aborted, and the program goes on to the
- next item in the list (or exits, if the list is empty).
- Two user-configurable options are provided: Confirm Before Over-
- write, and Select Date Option.
- As distributed, NUSQ v1.04 will ask for confirmation before
- overwriting a file, and will use the current date and time when
- creating the output file.
- If you would rather have NUSQ write over existing files with
- wanton abandon, without pausing and asking for confirmation, use
- DEBUG.COM to patch location 0103H to be 00H instead of 0FFH. An
- example of this patch:
- A>debug b:nusq.com
- -e103
- xxxx:0103 FF.00
- -w
- Writing YYYY bytes
- -q
- A>
- Select Date Option allows you four choices for the way the output
- file is dated. As distributed, NUSQ will date the output file in
- the same manner as most other programs do, i.e. the date and time
- shown in directory displays will be the date and time at which
- you unsqueezed the file. You may change this option by changing
- the byte at location 0104H (which you can do by using the
- instructions above and the values you will see in a moment, using
- the instructions shown above but substituting 104 for 103
- wherever 103 appears). Copies of NUSQ patched in this manner
- will display a 'D' after the version number, signifying that the
- input file date option has been enabled, i.e. "1.10D".
- The available options are:
- 0) Leave it to DOS
- 1) Output file gets the same date/time as the input file
- 2) If the squeezed file contains the special date/time
- signature inserted by NSQ at squeeze time, use the
- date/time contained in that signature: otherwise,
- use the current date/time
- 3) If the squeezed file contains the special date/time
- signature inserted by NSQ at squeeze time, use the
- date/time contained in that signature: otherwise,
- use the same date/time as the input file
- If you would like the unsqueezed file to retain the same date and
- time shown for the input file (option 1), patch 0104H to 0FH.
- For option 2, patch 0104H to 0F0H; for option 3, patch 0104H to
- 0FFH.
- Following is a table that trys to explain these options:
- option value use current use input file use encoded
- 0. 00 yes - -
- 1. 0F - yes -
- 2. F0 - - yes
- 3. FF - do this second try this first
- There is a reason for our distributing NUSQ with the date/time
- options disabled. If you have a backup utility (usually this
- applies to a "hard" disk) that uses the file date and time to
- determine whether or not a file should be backed up, it is
- possible that using the input file date could cause loss of a
- file by having an 'old' date on a 'new' file, and losing a
- backup. If you are unsure whether this applies to you, leave the
- date/time options unchanged until you can find out.
- First, no matter HOW sure you are that you're doing things
- correctly, try another method of using NUSQ. If you tried com-
- mand mode without luck, try the interactive mode; if you were in
- the interactive mode when it bombed, try command mode. Make sure
- you try at least one command that is just like one shown in this
- document (but, of course, use the name of your file instead of
- NERTS or ORGPLOTZ) before you conclude that things are awry.
- Occasionally, for one reason or another, it's possible to
- get a bad copy of a program or file; transmission errors and disk
- errors have been known to cause many problems. (If you can
- successfully unsqueeze at least one squeezed file, you probably
- have a good copy of the program; if so, your copy of the file
- you're trying to unsqueeze may be the culprit.) The best way to
- tell if this is the case is to use a utility like CRCK on the
- original copy of the offending file/program, and on your copy; if
- the numbers you get don't match, you most likely have a bad copy
- of the file/program you checked and should obtain another copy of
- it. (Check the new copy, too, when you get it.)
- This may sound silly, but do you have the correct version
- for your operating system? If you try to run the CP/M-86 version
- under MS-DOS, strange things may happen; same for the MS-DOS
- version under CP/M-86. Also, try using TYPE to actually type the
- executable file on your screen; you'll most likely see the
- author's name. (See the history later in this document to see
- who wrote what.)
- If all that checks out, the logical next step is to compare
- notes with someone locally to see if anyone else is experiencing
- problems. The system operator ("sysop") of the system from which
- you obtained the software can usually be of help if you tell him
- which version you're using (CP/M-86 or MS-DOS) and the name of
- the file you're trying unsuccessfully to unsqueeze. Alternative-
- ly, you can leave a message addressed to "ALL" on a local
- bulletin board; usually some helpful person will jump in with
- suggestions. Remember, there are no silly questions, only silly
- mistakes.
- If you've tried all this, and you're still sure you have a
- problem, then it's last-resort time. Contact the author of your
- version of the program. His name, and a way to contact him, is
- in the very beginning of the NUSQ.COM file; TYPE NUSQ.COM and you
- should see it. (If that doesn't work, use DDT, SID or DEBUG.)
- This is by far the slowest method of resolving problems, and
- people who contact program authors with problems caused by oper-
- ator error are usually looked upon unfavorably, so do this only
- if all else fails. Be sure to include the name of the system
- where you got your copy of the program, the name of the file
- you're trying to unsqueeze and the place where you got the file,
- and a description of what went wrong. It might also be nice to
- know the names of any people who have tried to help you with your
- problem so far.
- Output drive = x:
- You selected a disk drive different from the one containing
- the original file for the output file to be created on.
- No file(s) found.
- No files meeting the filename specification you gave were
- found on the disk you indicated they would be on. Try reentering
- the file specification, or check to make sure you are specifying
- the correct drive and/or disk. Also, if you are using wildcard
- characters ('*', '?') in the specification, make sure the usage
- is correct.
- Out of memory. Use more specific filenames.
- NUSQ is operating in a small workspace, and the wildcard
- file specification you gave has found a large number of files.
- The storage for all these filenames has eaten away so much
- workspace that NUSQ has no room left in which to unsqueeze any of
- the files. Give NUSQ a filename specification which will find a
- smaller number of files, so that more unsqueezing workspace is
- available. (Users with 96K or more memory will probably never
- see this message.)
- xxxxxxxx.xxx is not a squeezed file.
- Squeezed files are marked with a particular "signature":
- (FF76), NUSQ did not find this signature. Either the beginning of
- this file has been damaged, somebody is being cute and is trying
- to invent new "standards", or this file is really not a squeezed
- file.
- xxxxxxxx.xxx already exists,
- Overwrite <Y>es, <N>o?
- A file already exists which has the same name as that given
- in the squeezed file for creating the output file. A 'Y'
- response will cause NUSQ to overwrite the existing file; a 'N'
- answer will cause NUSQ not to unsqueeze this file. If you want
- to unsqueeze this file without destroying the old, existing file,
- rename the existing file before running NUSQ again.
- This message will not appear if NUSQ was modified to
- overwrite with wanton abandon (see DEBUG instructions preceding).
- Cannot create output file. Aborting.
- Either this disk has so many files on it that there is no
- room left for a new directory entry, or (with MS-DOS 2.x
- versions) a subdirectory exists with the same name that NUSQ must
- use for the output file. In any event, you will probably need to
- use a different disk for the output file. (See the preceding
- instructions.)
- File has illegal decode size. Aborting.
- Something is wrong with the input file; either it is not
- really a squeezed file, or it has been modified or damaged, or
- (less likely) the squeezer which created it did something wrong.
- This file cannot be unsqueezed; try a new copy.
- Close failed...
- NUSQ was unable to close the output file. This is a VERY
- unlikely error, and may mean either that your copy of NUSQ is
- damaged or the copy of the operating system currently in memory
- has been corrupted somehow. Try booting from a different disk,
- or try another copy of NUSQ. If these fail, contact the author.
- ERROR - Checksums don't match in file xxxxxxxx.xxx
- Something is wrong with the input file; either it has been
- modified or damaged, or (less likely) the squeezer which created
- it did something wrong. This file cannot be unsqueezed; try a
- new copy.
- Disk full. Aborting and deleting output file.
- The disk on which the output file is being written has
- become full; there is no more disk space to contain the remainder
- of the file. Create the output file on a different disk.
- Premature EOF on file... aborted.
- NUSQ has not found the special end-of-file (EOF) mark which
- is present in every squeezed file. Most likely, the last part of
- this file is missing. This file cannot be unsqueezed.
- A look at the signon message in interactive mode will reveal
- that NUSQ is the result of committee action. Said committee was
- unable to agree on whether the source code should be distributed
- as public domain code; consequently, source code is not
- available.
- NUSQ is a file unsqueezer utility written entirely in assem-
- bly language. The first file squeezer and unsqueezer in the
- public domain were written by Richard Greenlaw, in the C program-
- ming language. A Z80 assembly language version was done by Gail
- Zacharias at MIT in the Spring of 1983. In late '83 Dave Rand
- wrote an 8080 version, which went through several versions,
- culminating in USQ120.COM. Paul Homchick assumed the task of
- converting Dave's efforts to 8086/8088 assembly language for
- execution under CP/M-86 in early 1984, and I converted Paul's
- version to run under MS-DOS a bit later.
- 1.08 January 28, 1984. First released version
- uploaded to Compuserve.
- 1.09c March 24, 1984. Carriage Return on empty
- line exits program. Optimized tree-walker
- adapted from MS-DOS version resulting in
- 15% speed increase.
- 1.10 June 22, 1984. Prior tree-walker was not
- as optimized as we thought. Further optimi-
- zation borrowed from MS-DOS version, result-
- ing in another 25% increase in speed.
- 1.11 October 15, 1984. Version 1.10 introduced a
- bug that would cause a 'Premature EOF'
- message to be displayed if a legitimate
- squeezed file used every byte in the last
- sector. Now fixed.
- 1.00M March 21, 1984. Original version uploaded to
- Compuserve. Had serious bug that sometimes
- resulted in short files with no warning.
- 1.01M March 31, 1984. Carriage return on empty
- line at Command prompt ("*"), now returns to
- DOS instead of giving another prompt line.
- Short File BUG still in this version!
- 1.02M April 12, 1984. Fixed Random Block Write DOS
- calls. Files now unsqueeze to exact length,
- instead of 128-byte multiples as in prior
- versions. Buffer flush code fixed to elim-
- inate short file bug.
- 1.03 and 1.03D June 22, 1984. Decode routines re-
- written for a 30-percent increase in speed.
- Version 1.03D uses date and time of the input
- file when creating output file; 1.03 does not
- do so. This date feature can be user config-
- ured by changing a byte at offset +4 in the
- .com file. See 'Installation,' above, for
- details. Versions prior to this one always
- appended a 1A hex to the end of the
- unsqueezed file. This CP/M anachronism has
- been removed in this version.
- 1.04 and 1.04D September 1, 1984. Filename parsing
- routine changed to use MS-DOS "parse" func-
- tion call. Prompt "No directory space" which
- used to appear when a file create function
- failed changed to read "Cannot create output
- file", because MS-DOS 2.xx and later will
- reject the create request if a directory by
- the same name exists.
- 1.10 and 1.10D October 21, 1984. "Bug" fixed;
- squeezed files which were 100% utilized
- (i.e.,every last byte had significant data),
- and which were a multiple of 128 in length,
- would give a "Premature EOF" error. Added
- date/time handling for NSQ-created files.
- Also changed input file handling to handle
- file lengths more accurately.
- CP/M and CP/M-86 are trademarks of Digital Research, Inc.
- MS (as in MS-DOS) is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.